Last year for Father's Day the kids gave Elwood a ride
with a NASCAR driverat the Texas Motor Speedway.
He was able to do it today!
Waiting in line for their turn.
Bryan rode too.
They went 180 miles an hour!
All suited up and ready to go for his three lap ride.
Getting in the car. The door does not open.
You have to climb through the window.
Helmets and cars ready to go.
And what about the black tire marks on the pavement.....
Fun times watching it all. And seeing the cars.
They both survived and we did enjoy a lunch afterwards!
Such a great experience. Thanks again to our kids!
We have had some heavy rains lately. Elwood and I walked around
by our creek which is normally 3-4 feet wide that gently flows along.
Not today. It was roaring and maybe 25 feet wide in some places!