AG stands for Amazing Grace, Elwood's older sister.  She looks like a homeless person but she does have a home.  Recently we decided, as a family, that she can't live on her own any more. Elwood & I, along with much prayer, were able to get her into the St. Joseph's hospital in Estevan for a check up a week ago Tuesday.  She is still there.  Thankfully she is enjoying being there and is getting the medical care she required.  The plans are to move her into some permanent long term care.  It is a great relief to the family and perhaps to Grace too.  

Praying or Laughing?

This is the first load of newspapers and boxes out of her home. There are many more loads to go before it will be all cleaned out.


Adam Mirkes said…
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Adam Mirkes said…
hey, it's mirkes!! i hear you are moving to be closer to me! can't wait to see y'all!
Marilyn... said…
Your house sold! That's wonderful... & your "life pieces" continue to come together. Happy packing!!
Oh, and congratulations on your sale!
choi mi hee said…
mom~~!! where are you moving?
Dr. Kent said…
Lorraine, so happy to hear that AG is happy. I think your idea to move her was a really good one. I am also glad to finally see pictures of the infamous AG. Happy cleaning!